Sciatica & Disc Issues

One of the most painful types of injuries that people can experience is sciatica along with other disc issues. If you’re experiencing sciatica, you may need professional treatment to help alleviate the symptoms and correct the underlying problem.

What Is Sciatica and How Does It Develop?

Sciatica involves the sciatic nerve, which is part of a bundle of nerves known as the sacral plexus. This and other nerves in this area connect to the lumbar and sacrum areas of the body.

The sciatic nerve is actually the largest nerve in the human body, which is why it’s easy to damage it and why damage to it is often more painful than other nerve injuries. It comprises two main nerves called the common peroneal nerves and tibial nerves. When these two nerves get caught between certain tissues, pain will develop. Most commonly, adipose and muscle tissues compress the sciatic nerve and cause pain.

One of the main reasons why sciatica develops is a bulging disc that presses against the nerve. Another potential cause is compression of the piriformis muscle when engaging in certain activities such as exercise and sitting for long periods.

What Are the Symptoms of Sciatica?

You may experience pain at any point along the sciatic nerve, which tends to fall somewhere from the lower back to the buttock area, all the way down to the calf. The degree of pain may also vary depending on the severity of the compression.

In some cases, you may feel pain in the form of a shock or jolt. In others, you might feel a burning sensation or dull ache. Often, people only experience these symptoms on one side of the body.

Some individuals may not actually feel pain from sciatic nerve damage. Instead, they might feel a numbness or tingling sensation in the affected area. Others may feel a mix of pain and numbness along the nerve.

What Are the Risk Factors for Sciatica?

Sciatica and disc issues may affect individuals based on certain factors such as:

  • Weight — Overweight individuals are more likely to experience stress on the spine that contributes to sciatica and other disc issues.
  • Age — Over time, aging can lead to bone spurs and herniated discs that lead to sciatica and disc issues.
  • Sitting for long periods — If you sit for a long period and don’t move or get up at any point, you may develop sciatica.
  • Stress in the workplace — Some people work jobs that put stress on the sciatic nerve, with tasks such as heavy lifting and repetitive motions potentially leading to sciatica.
  • Diabetes — Many diabetics experience nerve damage that can cause sciatica and damage to other nerves.

See a Doctor for Help When Needed

If you’re suffering from sciatica or disc issues of any type, you’ll need professional care. Through alignment of the spine, a knowledgeable doctor may be able to help treat sciatica and other symptoms involving bulging discs.

With the right treatment, you’ll be able to heal and eliminate the painful symptoms of sciatica.